
Uganda, home to the one of the world's youngest population (73% under 30), faces the challenge of converting this demographic boon into economic support. With 83% of the population unemployed, particularly the youth, issues like drug addiction and social media misuse persist.

As Dove Mentorship, we address unemployment through mentorship and opportunities, unlocking the potential of Uganda's vibrant youth for a brighter future. 🌍🚀

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Join our empowering mentorship program, fostering creativity and propelling mentees to unparalleled success. 

Experience transformative results as we redefine possibilities together. 🚀🌟

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Introducing the Dove Readers' Club (DRC)

From our last mentorship week 8th -13th Jan 2024, one of the common problems our mentees mentioned is a challenge in English subject at school. This we found out cross cuts among children in P.5, P.6 and P.7, yet these are children who were in P.1, P.2 and P.3 during COVID and they missed out reading and writing in lower primary.

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