
Uganda has the youngest population in the whole world and 73% of her population are youths below the age of 30 years. It is unfortunate that the country lacks the capacity to turn this energetic labor force into useful resource. We have many youths stuck into evil practices due to unemployment, misuse of social media and lack of mentorship in their life purpose. The estimation is that 83% of the country’s population remains unemployed, majority of which are youth.

As Dove Mentorship we believe that this trend can be reversed. This is only possible if talents are identified at an early age and mentored to become resourceful citizens. We target that the time a youth graduates from a tertiary institution they are already skilled in business, innovation, ICT and talented to generate there own employment. It is upon this background that Dove Mentorship Ministries was formed with objective to mentor youths in line of their passions, interests, talents and gifts.

Our Values

Inspire & Motivate




Cause Accountability


Target & objectives

The key objectives of our training include;

  • Introduce a reading and writing culture
  • To promote innovation and creativity among the youth hence the spirit of entrepreneurship
  • To nurture the music and dancing talents.
  • To identify, promote and nurture talents by embracing technology.
  • Interest children to embrace the kitchen especially the boy child (Dove Kitchen)
  • To promote the savings and investment culture at a tender age.

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